varying load

英 [ˈveəriɪŋ ləʊd] 美 [ˈveriɪŋ loʊd]

网络  变动负荷



  1. A control strategy based on fuzzy auto-setting PID is proposed to compensate the periodic varying load in the gait control robot, one part of the lower limb rehabilitative training robot.
  2. Objective To evaluate the effects of varying load of vastus medialis oblique on the tensile stress at the proximal insertion of patellar tendon.
  3. As a result, the tube circuit is completely decoupled from the microphone output and its characteristic response curve will be unaffected by very high signal levels or varying load conditions.
  4. Fuzzy Auto-Setting PID Control for the Varying Load in the Gait Control Robot to Assist the Lower Limb Rehabilitative Training
  5. A development of Construction Process Mechanics-Principles of Time-Space Effect and Varying Load Analysis has been presented.
  6. Control System of Electrohydraulic Force Servo System with Time Varying Flexible Load by 3D Nonlinear Proportional Differential& Cerebellar Model Articulation Compound Controller
  7. Similarly, varying load conditions, as the unit load required to respond as quickly as possible, to stress the extent permitted margin shorten response time.
  8. Characteristics of Large-Scale Synthesis Ammonia Plant under Varying Load Conditions
  9. Voltage fluctuation and flicker, caused by fast-speed varying load, is one of the most important aspects of power quality.
  10. Refrigerating output control methods under varying load condition
  11. Using the proposed algorithm the complicated harmonic current calculation is avoided, the computing speed is quickened, so the frequently varying load harmonics can be traced and compensated.
  12. Based on analysis about working principle of varying load and speed of conventional three-phase induction generator excited by capacitors, the determination of excited capacitors to minimize the reactive power of control winding under variable load and speed is given.
  13. Single exponent smoothness model fully embodies the characters of trend and cycle of the continuous varying power load, but it can not think about the effect of the weather elements carefully.
  14. A thermohydraulic model for the water-cooled stator bars of large turbogenerators on varying load
  15. Design on Test of Tire Cornering Properties Under Time Varying Load Conditions
  16. With the consideration of the varying load of power system, a complete mathematical representation of dynamic reactive power optimization and its calculation method are presented.
  17. Experiment include varying the load and speed of engine.
  18. Based on calibration of the reliability indices of current aseismic code and by use of the method of optimization, partial factors for earthquake action and for structural member resistance in aseismic design expressions as well as coefficients of combination for ith time varying load have been determined.
  19. Realize Varying Load Buffer in Multiple Hydraulic Cylinder
  20. Large deflection of a circular clamped plate under a linearly varying load
  21. Research on the Strategy of Anti-disturbance for Varying Load to Linear Servo Drive System on Piston Machining
  22. The four possible distribution form on local linear varying load have been considered. The relation of edge moments and linear load for simply supported circular plates under Tresca yield condition have been given out.
  23. However the single action vane pump, owing to output flow varying with load, can reduce energy waste.
  24. Principles of time-space effect and varying load analysis and its application the further development of construction process mechanics
  25. Research of gain-scheduled h_ ∞ controller in electrohydraulic force servo system with time-varying flexible load
  26. The aim of this work is to real time simulate the dynamic responses and the performance of the reheat boiler-turbine unit under varying load conditions by using a minicomputer.
  27. Fault Detection Under Varying Load Conditions Based on Dynamic Multi-Principal Component Models
  28. Because its special environment for varying load condition and it works under the ground, demands to have high reliability, light, apt to maintenance and economy. However, the reducer that design and manufacture in domestic fails to meet the above requests.
  29. Effects on the hysteretic curve of varying vertical load and different load ratio are also analyzed in this paper. 3.
  30. The research results can provide theoretical and fundamental technology support for the large-scale application on high-speed and varying load operation in heating units.